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How to Ease Anxiety

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Dealing with anxiety can really be difficult. Some people with anxiety disorder can experience symptoms that may already affect their quality of life and prevent them from functioning normally. 

Emotional symptoms of anxiety can appear as excessive worrying, fatigue, panic attacks, poor concentration, insomnia, or irritability. On the other hand, physical symptoms may appear as extreme chest pains, headaches, diarrhea, muscle aches, sweating or shortness of breath.

If you are experiencing most of these symptoms, you may be experiencing anxiety. The best solution for this is to get checked by professionals. But, if you find yourself experiencing these symptoms, it is also helpful to remember the following coping mechanisms to ease anxiety:

1. Be physically active

One of the easiest hacks to feel better is to exercise. When you work out, you provide a jolt to the brain’s reward centers—the system of the brain that helps you anticipate pleasure, feel motivated, and maintain hope. When you work out regularly, the brain remodels the reward system, leading to higher circulating levels of dopamine, or called the happy hormones.

2. Quit alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes

These three things might give you the feeling of relief for a short time, but these may actually worsen your anxiety. If stopping using these substances are hard for you, it is probably best to reach out to support groups or therapies like with Everyday Empathy

3. Do relaxation and stress management techniques

When the brain is filled with negative thoughts, doing yoga or meditation techniques can effectively help ease anxiety. Meditation, visualization, and focusing on breathing can help with letting go of feeling of worry and fear.

4. Eat healthy foods

Remember the saying, “you are what you eat”? Well, it is true because what you eat can be the reason for your mood. According to research, a healthy diet that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fish may be linked to reduced anxiety and depression.

Another quick dopamine hack is eating spicy foods. In response to the pain of eating spicy food, the brain releases hormones like endorphins and dopamine which makes you feel euphoria similar to a runner’s high.

5. Get quality sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep for your age can be helpful in lessening the feelings of anxiety. Do what you can to make sure you’re getting enough sleep to feel rested. If you find it hard to sleep or stay asleep, it is best that you talk with a professional.

6. Learn about your disorder

The best way to deal with your condition is to talk about it with professionals. In this way, you will learn your triggers and how to properly deal with it – may it be with medication or therapy. Seeking support might be difficult at first for some, but this is the best way to deal with how you are feeling.

7. Stick to your treatment plan

If you are undergoing treatment with healthcare providers, do your best to take medications as directed. Complete your therapy and do your therapy assignments. When dealing with anxiety, consistency in your treatment can make a big difference.

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